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Great Tips To Gain Muscle Mass/how to build muscle fast

Great Tips To Gain Muscle Mass/how to build muscle fast Are you trying to get into better shape? Do you want to see some growth in your muscles? If you would like to see an increase in the size of your muscles, read the following ideas. You will find helpful tips on increasing your muscle mass the right way.  1.Try doing real stairs instead of the stairs that your gym has. This can help change the perspective that you have for working out, give you an additional amount of motivation, burn more fat, and build more muscle. The additional scenery could also help you workout for a longer period of time.  2.Be sure that you add in as many reps and sets as possible as you workout. Fifteen lifts is a good number, with no more than a minute break between sets. This stimulates the release of lactic acid, which is a key component in muscle growth. When you constantly do this as you workout you help maximize the amount of muscles you build.  3.You need to know how many calories to e...

How to reduce facial hair permanently/remove facial hair naturally/home remedy

How to reduce facial hair permanently/remove facial hair naturally/home remedy
How to reduce facial hair permanently/remove facial hair naturally/home remedy

Thick hair on face especial on chin, upper lip and beard area is very stressful and unwanted part of your looks. Many women struggle with this issue, especially due to hormonal imbalance, change or certain medical conditions. However, there are many remedies available from natural ones you can do at home, to more complicated procedures best done in salons and medical spas like laser hair removal, electrolysis etc. In this article I am sharing 100% natural home remedy to remove stubborn, thick dark facial hair and very effective way to reduce or minimize further hair growth without using beauty products or other hair removal creams. Believe it or not, this easy method will slow down and reduce hair growth, and convert thick hair into thin, light, soft fine hair even remove it permanently and you can get rid of shaving, waxing or threading after some time. Again there is no magic or shortcut, please be patient and persistent.This remedy can be effective to remove acne/pimles scars as well. This can be used by all people with different skin types like oily, dry and combination skin.

Thick slice of papaya
1 tea spoon of turmeric powder

Gram flour 2 table spoons

Turmeric powder half tea spoon

Coconut oil half tea spoon

Rose water 2 table spoons

Method 1

Peel off the papaya and add it in a blender with 1 tea spoon of turmeric powder mix them well even become a good fine paste.Make ice cubes and keep it in refrigerator. When you have to apply take half piece of this cube and wait for melt, after melting apply it daily on your face with 2-3 minutes massage, this massage will weak your hair folicals and leave for dry then wash your face. After wash apply any Moisturizer.

How to reduce facial hair permanently/remove facial hair naturally/home remedy
How to reduce facial hair permanently/remove facial hair naturally/home remedy

Method 2

Take gram flour, turmeric powder 1/2 tea spoon, coconut oil and rose water in a bowl and mix them well. Apply this mask on your face and leave for dry, after dry rub that mask with wet hands and remove that all from your face, then wash your face and apply any moisturizer. Do it twice a week, it will bright your face and remove facial hair gradually.

How to reduce facial hair permanently/remove facial hair naturally/home remedy
How to reduce facial hair permanently/remove facial hair naturally/home remedy


Don't ever use shaving machine, hair removing creams, safety razor or twizers for your face because they strengthen hair folicals so that hair become thicker and darker.


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