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How to have a best pregnancy ever /Great Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy
1. Stop smoking immediately if you have found out that you are pregnant or d are trying to become pregnant. Smoking, as we all know, is incredibly dangerous for as but it becomes even more important to quit when we are trying to take care of a new life. Talk with your doctor immediately if you are having trouble quitting.
2. Go ahead and give in to your pregnancy cravings. Doctors aren't quite sure d cravings are a result of emotional changes or of nutritional deficits in your diet, but not getting the foods you crave can be stressful during a time when you don't need the added stress. Just be careful that your diet is healthy overall.
3. Take a childbirth class. Even for veteran parents, these educational sessions help expectant parents feel more confident about their situation and their abilities. The classes give parents a forum to ask questions and meet other families who are experiencing the same things they are. They also provide time for each couple to talk and spend time with one another.
4. Search your home for various chemicals that could cause harm to your unborn baby, and throw them out. Household items like cleaning solutions can have adverse effects on your pregnancy, so look for natural choices instead. Keep using natural cleaners when you bring your baby home.
5. Try not to wear clothing that is too tight when pregnant. This kind of clothing can actually cause your fetus to not get enough oxygen and make you uncomfortable. There are maternity jeans available for pregnant women. Also, when at home, try to wear sweatpants or pajama bottoms with a loose T-shirt.
6. Check into hiring a doula for your birth experiences and for the period right after. Doulas are mothers' helpers who are there to provide non-medical support during the labor process and the post partum period. Having a doula will help you to have a shorter and more satisfying birth experience.
7. Pack a suitcase for your trip to the hospital early in your third trimester. It is better to be prepared in advance and to have the peace of mind of knowing you are ready. Ensure your camera, birthing plan, insurance cards, and all other essentials are packed.
8. You can read online stories about birthing to find out about the experiences of other women. These accounts are great, as they are firsthand experiences of the process. Choose from many different writings so you feel relaxed and at ea..
9. Call your doctor for anything that seems 'off. You know your body better than anyone and if something doesn't feel right, then use that intuition and give your practitioner a call. They will decide if it's something they need to check out or not, but don't hesitate to seek help.
10.When you are pregnant, it is best to avoid or limit your caffeine intake. You can still have one cup of coffee in the morning, but no more than that. Try drinking decaff or half-caff if you can. Any caffeine that you drink will go straight to your baby and may have negative effects.
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How to have a best pregnancy ever /Great Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy |
11.Take some precautions when traveling by plane. The second trimester is often noted as the best time to fly, because you are not experiencing morning sickness as often, and there is less risk of miscarriage. Always speak to your doctor first and make sure to drink a lot of water on the plane to stay hydrated. Get up and walk frequently to help avoid blood clots. |
12.Remember that even the best-lad plans can change, including your birth plan. Try to be flexible about the details, and do not beat yourself up if everything does not happen exactly the way you envisioned it. Ultimately, you probably won't even care that your favorite song never played or that you never made it into the birthing pool.
13.During the throes of morning sickness, eat what you can stomach. Keeping a little bit of food in your tummy often helps to relieve nausea, and your baby will be just fine if you subsist solely on just a few types of foods for a few days. Eating enough calories is essential, so talk to your doctor if you are unable to keep anything down.
14.Don't be afraid to say no to anything you don't want to do. If you are too tired to keep a movie date, it's okay to skip it. You need to make sure that you are taking care of your body the best that you can, and everyone who is close to you will respect this.
15.When trying to become pregnant, charting your menstrual cycles may help you pinpoint your ovulation date, which is the time you have the best chance of conceiving. There are a variety of online charting sites as well as smartphone apps that can help you keep track of your periods, mood fluctuations, symptoms and other information.
16.Keep a joumal while you are pregnant to record special memories and thoughts. This helps with the emotions you experience during pregnancy and also gives you a great keepsake to share with your child later in life. You can use your joumal to capture milestones during the pregnancy as well as your thoughts and emotions through the process.
17.Make sure you drink enough water when pregnant. Thirst causes you to eat more, so stay hydrated. Sometimes, people mistake thirst for hunger. If you've already eaten some food but still feel hungry, a full glass of water may be just what you need.
18.Get prenatal vitamins from your doctor or over the counter and make sure you take them on a regular basis. A good prenatal vitamin will take care of the needs of both you and your new baby. Make sure that your vitamin contains 0.4 mgs of folic acid for optimum brain development.
19.Try taking your prenatal vitamins at night. These pills, while essential for the proper growth and development of your baby, can make some mothers feel nauseous. Taking them before you lay down or with food can help your body adjust to their effects. If you need to take them during the day, try chewing gate aftenNards.
20.Take a childbirth class. Even for veteran parents, these educational sessions help expectant parents feel more confident about their situation and their abilities. The classes give parents a forum to ask questions and meet other farnilies who are experiencing the same things they are. They also provide time for each couple to talk and spend time with one another.
21.Sleep whenever you get a chance to during your pregnancy. Difficulty sleeping is one of the biggest complaints women have while pregnant. As our bodies go through these massive changes, the ease of being able to get a full night's sleep decreases. Take naps when the opportunity presents itself.
22.You should attend pregnancy classes as soon as you find out you are pregnant. These classes are designed to answer many of the questions that first time moms have. You should encourage the father to come with you so he can ask questions too.
23.Drinking plenty of water is always a healthy choice and is essential during pregnancy. Many women experience dehydration which results in constipation and other difficulties related to it during pregnancy. So, make it your aim to drink forty-eight to sixty-four ounces per day and ward off the bad effects of dehydration.
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How to have a best pregnancy ever /Great Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy |
24.When preparing for sleep while pregnant, set up a bedtime routine. Include activities that will relax you. Some relaxing activities are, drinking warm milk, reading a book or having a warm shower. When you are relaxed, it will be easier for you to fall asleep. Be sure that you have your routine set up so that you allow yourself enough time for sleep. |
25.Pregnancy can be a stressful time for couples. So it is better to work on relationship issues as they arise than waiting until after the baby arrives. Counseling can help couples communicate better and strengthen your relationship, which in turn will help you both be better prepared to handle your new baby as partners.
26.Be prepared for the hospital keep an old towel and a plastic bag in your car just in case your water breaks on the way to the hospital. Pack a robe for pacing the hospital halls, as well as nonskid slipper socks. Fill a small bag with electronics, such as an iPod for music and a still-photo and video camera. You will also need your insurance card, toiletries and a going home outfit for you and the baby. Staying prepared ensures this stressful time is easier, and keeps your emotions on a more even keel.
27.Before you get pregnant, you and your partner should see a doctor for a physical exam. This allows you the opportunity to find out whether you should schedule any tests based on your medical history. In addition, it enables you to find out the answers to any questions you have in regard to your prospective pregnancy.
28.Having to urinate frequently. is something a lot of women experience during pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, the need to urinate will become more frequent as well. One tip to help with this is, when you urinate lean forward to ensure the bladder is completely, ernpty, this could help to lessen your restroom trips.
29.If you experience symptoms like blurred vision, pain in your right side, frequent headaches, very rapid weight gain, or cola-colored urine in the second half of your pregnancy, report them to your doctor immediately. You may be developing preeclampsia, a pregnancy-related condition that can be life-threatening. Your doctor may need to perform tests to check for protein in your urine, and your blood pressure will be closely monitored.
30.1t is always important to eat healhty, but when you are pregnant it is even more important. To keep your pregnancy running smooth and to have a healthy baby you should eat a variety of foods from each of the recommended food groups and make sure your diet is well balanc..
31.Talk with your doctor about getting a DHA supplement during your pregnancy. DHA is a omega-3 fatty acid that is essential for proper development of the brain and eyes of your baby. Supplements are generally needed to ensure the proper amount of DHA. Fish is a strong source of DHA but women are generally told to stay away from most fish during pregnancy due to mercury levels so a supplement is generally your best bet.
32.A healthy diet during pregnancy includes foods that are packed with nutrition to help your baby get off to a great start. Include a variety of foods that provide the fiber, vitamins and minerals that will help your baby develop properly. Get rid of the nutritionally empty junk foods that use up your daily calorie intake with no benefit to your baby.
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How to have a best pregnancy ever /Great Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy |
33.You need to buy maternity bras and other clothing as you realize you need them. Maternity clothes will make you feel more comfortable, and you'll actually have clothes to wear outside your home. Don't be embarrassed to buy maternity clothing early. Be comfortable in your own skin and in what you are wearing. |
34.Don't be afraid to contact your doctor if you suffer any unusual symptoms during your pregnancy. These symptoms include stomach pain, cramping, vaginal bleeding, and especially. a decreased level of fetal activity. It's difficult to tell if everything is okay from the outside, and you're better off asking your physician to check if something seems strange.
35.Do not avoid sex when you are pregnant. Many women are under the assumption that sex can harm their unborn child, but this is not true. In fact, sex can be helpful. Worsen have high hormone levels when pregnant, and having sex can help relieve some of the stress that these hormones give them.
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