How to be a good parent /Great Tips For Better Parenting |
It seems that everyone is full of advice in regard to how we should raise our children. That task, however, falls to us as parents. It doesn't fall to distant relatives or our acquaintances. Never-the-less, it is sometimes helpful to have clear guidance as to how we should go about meeting certain steps of the larger overall task. This article will provide that guidance.
1. It is vital for parents to remember that children reach milestones at different ages. Parents feel like there is something wrong with their child if they don't do things by a certain age, such as walking or talking. However, if your child is may past due for certain things, such as walking or communicating, take them to the doctor for testing.
2. Learn the signs of a baby on a nursing strike. Many parents experience a nursing strike and take that to mean that the baby is ready to wean. Actually babies go through periods where they are just less interested in breastfeeding in general. Babies do this generally when they are going through large developmental leaps. Just keep offering and they will come back to normal feeding rhythms.
3. Exercise caution when diagnosing siblings who start to display symptoms of an illness shared by another brother or sister. Although families with multiple children often share germs, viruses, and illnesses, sharing medications or neglecting to take each child to the doctor increases the risk of health problems caused by unchecked or misdiagnosed ailments.
4. Keep kids safe on their way to school by using reflective tape on their backpacks or coats. It is easy to attach and remove the material from these items when it is purchased as strips with Velcro backing. Drivers will be able to spot children more easily thanks to these reflective stripes.
5. Even if your sick child begins to show signs of feeling better after a few days of antibiotics, you should follow the doctor's orders exactly and finish the course of therapy. If your child does not finish the entire dosing plan, weakened bacteria may remain in his or system and become resistant to the antibiotics.
6. As kids get to be older, they can still have the same difficulty in calming down as they had when they were small babies. You can provide them with a place to calm themselves by throwing a blanket over a table to give them a safe cocoon type place to regroup.
7. A great parenting tip is to accompany your small children if they decide to go trick or treating. Young children definitely need a chaperone or parent with them when they go trick or treating because it can get hectic. You should be there for them to make sure they are safe at all times.
8. When birthdays or other gift giving holidays come around, instead of taking your child shopping, help them make a present. Not only will your child get to be creative and give a unique gift, but you'll get to spend quality time together. This is especially good if the present is for the child's other parent or another relative.
9. Team sports should help your child develop their self-esteem. If you go to their sports games they will be encouraged to stick with it and remember that forever.
10.When you have two children, it is important for you to take the time with both children so that the children do not feel like you have favoritism. Children often feel like parents love one child more than the other child, but those feelings can be avoided through dedication and determination.
11. Children need to have a clear, understandable set of rules to follow. Also create consequences for inappropriate actions, and remain consistent with them. By setting boundaries for your children to follow, you will be illustrating to them that you care enough about what they do. Rules are a way to make parenting easier because the kids will learn them, and you won't have to keep repeating yourself.
How to be a good parent /Great Tips For Better Parenting |
12.In order to raise good kids it is very important to be honest with them. Be sure to always tell your kids the truth in everything. Setting a good example will make them want to be honest. Over the years, honesty and trust will eventually bring great rewards.
13.If you're teaching a teen to drive, an ideal place to start out is an empty parking lot. That way the teen can learn how to use car functions Ike headlights, windshield wipers and the like, as well as learning the handling of the car, and basics like signaling tums and stopping at signs.
14. Make sure you are communicating with your child frequently. Good communication involves talking and listening; when you engage in these two skills with your child, it helps develop trust and respect between the two of you. When they are very young, talking also encourages language development, which opens the door to begin engaging in a variety of educational tasks.
15.A good way to teach children not to be wasteful is to explain to them the cost of everyday living. Spend some time showing your children not only that everything from electricity to food costs money, but also explain how hard and how much you most work to pay for these things.
16.Keep up with your child's regular doctor appointments. Along with the usual vaccinations and screenings, these visits help discover and treat minor problems before they can become major medical issues. It also allows your doctor to get to know your child and makes your child more comfortable with the doctor.
17.To make teething easier on your child, trying adding chunks of sour pickle, cucumber or sweet carrot to your child's mesh teether. The flavor seeping through the teether will encourage your child to keep chewing and by this means, provide them with more relief than a simple frozen washcloth can.
18.When your child falls and bumps their head, do not allow them to go to sleep for at least two hours. This is because you want to monitor for symptoms that your child may have suffered from internal bleeding. Some symptoms include disorientation, confusion, headache and dizziness complaints, and blurred vision. If your child has these symptoms, bring him/her to the emergency room.
19.1t is important that you recognize the signs that your child is ready to start using the toilet. By pushing them to use it when they are not ready, you can actually delay the whole process. Some signs of readiness include having regular bowel movements, staying dry for at least two consecutive hours, and coming out and asking to use the potty.
20.1t is vital for parents to remember that children reach milestones at different ages. Parents feel like there is something wrong with their child if they don't do things by a certain age, such as walking or talking. However, if your child is way past due for certain things, such as walking or communicating, take them to the doctor for testing.
21.A great parenting tip is to let your child make their own decisions sometimes. When you always make decisions for your child, they'll grow up being incapable of making their own decisions. This can really hurt them in the long run. Give your child a little independence sometimes.
22. While the advice of close friends and family can be very helpful, you don't need to listen to the unsolicited tips from every aunt, cousin and coworker. Of course they may mean well, but at the end of the day the child is yours. The same goes for parenting tips from any other source, take them with a grain of salt.
23.Help the child to develop routines by establishing a schedule very early. If you give them specific times for different events they will begin to naturally adjust to these times. This will help to make shower, eating and bedtimes much easier. The child will also feel more secure.
How to be a good parent /Great Tips For Better Parenting |
24.It is important to establish realistic, achievable goals for your teenager. If your teen has a hard time with math, be sure to work with your teen to overcome obstacles and to establish goals that are reasonable. If you set goals that are not realistic, the teen will become frustrated and not work at all.
25.Ask your child to do chores. Children need to learn how to do things like washing the dishes or making their bed; it is important to helping them learn independence, which ultimately leads to higher self-esteem. Chores also make children feel like they hold a valuable role in the family.
26.For an alternative to traditional timeouts, make a "mind jar by filling a mason jar with water and a scoop of gutter. Tighten the lid securely. When your child needs some time to reflect on his or her actions or feels angry, shake the at to stir the glitter, and have your child sit and hold the jar as he or she watches the glitter fall to the bottom. By the time the glitter settles, your child's mood will have settled, too.
27.1f your child is afraid of going to bed alone, do not encourage them to come and he in the bed with you. Make sure that they sleep in their own beds and reassure them that they are safe. You can even assign one of their stuffed animals to be a "bodyguard..
28.If your baby is breastfeeding, make sure that your child's pediatrician or family doctor uses the World Health Organization growth charts intended for breastfed babies. Your baby may grow differently from formula-fed babies and these charts, better reflect the standard growth patterns for infants and toddlers that are nursing.
29.Give your children a big hug as often as possible, and remind them that you love them. No matter how angry they make you, or how badly they mess up your home, they're still your kids, and they will be forever. They will grow up to be well-adjusted adults as long as they know they've been loved.
30.Make sure you monitor the computer activity of your teenager. Thousands of teenagers chat with people online and they can get themselves in a questionable situation. This could be prevented if more parents followed their child's computer activity, and stopped them from using the computer if they are chatting with strangers.
31.Surround a child with good books. Reading is arguably among the most critical skills we can have. Your child should develop a desire to read well before they are cognitively ready to actually do so. Keeping a collection of colorful and interesting books within their reach is a critical part of developing that desire.
How to be a good parent /Great Tips For Better Parenting |
32.Getting your kids to do chores can be an opportunity for positive character-budding rather than an ordeal. If you keep records (like a chore chart) of your expectations and encourage your children to meet them, you can foster a sense of accomplishment and actually make them look forward to helping out around the house.
33.In order to raise good kids it is very important to be honest with them. Be sure to always tell your kids the truth in everything. Setting a good example will make them want to be honest. Over the years, honesty and trust will eventually bring great rewards.
34. it is important to spend time with your kids, you always need to set aside some time for yourself. This allows you to retain your individuality along with your identity as a parent.
35.Having a picky eat can be very difficult at times. Make sure you are offering them plenty of different foods. Also make sure to serve their favorite foods often as long as they are healthy. Have them at least try one bite before they decide not to have any of it.
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