How to control diabetes and improve your quality of life /Great Tips To Successfully Manage Your Diabetes |
Diabetes really is something that needs to be managed. Managing your diabetes will affect your health as you grow older. This section gives you solid advice on managing your diabetes in a way that will promote positive health and help eliminate some of the common problems those with diabetes often encounter.
1. Checking out international foods is an excellent may of finding new recipes that you'll actually enjoy eating, even though they're good for you and your Diabetes. I'd highly recommend trying Tabouleh, a Middle Eastem dish made with herbs, onions, lemon juice, and bulgur. It's extremely good mixed with hummus and served on a pita!
2. Birthday parties can be a nightmare for the parents of a diabetic child, but they don't have to be as long as you communicate with the hosts of the party. Let them know as far in the future as possible about your child's illness, and offer to send food with them so they don't have to come up with alternatives themselves. Send enough for everyone at the party and they won't feel like they're different!
3. A Diabetic needs to take responsibility for their condition and their treatment. Therefore, it is up to you to ensure that you know absolutely everything there is to know about Diabetes. Keep up on the latest developments in medical journals so you can ask your physician for any care you think might assist you.
4. While at work, try to get in as much exercise as possible to keep your Diabetes in check. Take the stairs to the next floor to use the washroom, or go for a brisk walk around the cubicles during a break. You can even pump some iron with a bottle of water when you're on the phone!
5. Focus on leg circulation to combat diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Keep your feet moving as much as possible to increase the blood circulating down through your toes. One exercise that is great for a desk job is to lift your foot up and then wiggle your toes, turning your feet in circles at the ankle.
6. If you suffer from diabetes and you are going to exercise, it is important that you check your blood glucose afterward. Strenuous activity can cause your body to burn off blood glucose and if your body does not have enough glucose, you can develop hypoglycemia. If your glucose levels are too low, try eating foods that have carbs to raise your glucose levels.
7. The key to a Diabetic diet isn't necessarily cutting anything out completely, but instead is about counting up what is in that food item and eating it in an appropriate moderation. For example, having a slice of cake can be fine as long as you work it into your meal and have a smaller piece than you might have pre-diagnosis.
8. Even though your as big as a house, it's important for women with Gestational Diabetes to exercise as much as possible. Even it you're just doing yoga or going for a long walk, exercise will help you keep your weight to a reasonable level and your mind stress-free, leading to better health.
9. One of the most difficult things to remember for a newly-diagnosed diabetic is the importance of monitoring glucose levels diligently. Over time, failure to do so can lead to irreversible damage to the nerves and blood vessels throughout the entire body. These types of damage can lead to problems with emotional, cardiovascular, and sexual health.
10.If you have diabetes, and you plan on getting pregnant or are pregnant already, it is crucial that you take extra folic acid. Babies born to a diabetic mother are more likely to develop birth defects than those bom to healthy mothers and folic acid can reduce the risk of birth defects.
11.Take all of your medications that your doctor prescribes you. Follow the directions exactly, or you will not be getting the benefits of the treatment. If you have any side effects that you do not like call your doctor and they may be able to give you something else that agrees with your body better.
12.A good tip for people dealing with diabetes is to never skip meals, especially breakfast. If you do not eat for several hours for whatever reason, your body relies on glucose released from your liver for energy. People with diabetes continue to produce glucose even when their body has had enough so make sure to eat something to
let your liver know to stop producing glucose.
How to control diabetes and improve your quality of life /Great Tips To Successfully Manage Your Diabetes |
13.Being diabetic does not mean that you must fully give up your favorite sweets, but it does mean that you must be more diligent in selecting and consuming them. To compensate for a sweet splurge, you may need to step up your exercise program, reducing your dietary intake of another sweet food, or taking more insulin.
14.Managing your blood sugar when you are a diabetic can be a challenge. Some things to keep in mind are eating the same amount at the same time everyday. This will ensure that you keep the right amount of sugar in your diet so that you can be happy and healthy.
15. Diabetes related diseases are the second largest killer in The United States. This epidemic can be avoided with daily exercise and simple changes in diet. Cut out soda, candy and fatty meats and replace them with fnet, whole grams, and lean meats. This can add years to our life.
16.When you have diabetes, there are times it may be easier to take a shot or pop a pill then to get moving. The truth is that along with a healthy diet, exercise is one of the best things you can do to take care of your body if you five with diabetes.
17.If you want to eat healthier to help overcome your Diabetes, but you just can't stomach fish without some pops of flavor on it, try capers! They're like olives in their
flavor, but smaller and zestier. You can sprinkle them on any type of fish, I like to also add some shoes of Spanish onion, and they take the place of sauce.
18.Diabetics need to avoid ketchup like the plague. I know it's tasty, I love it to death, but it's so full of sugar both from the tomatoes and the high fructose corn syrup that it's more of a curse than a pleasure. I like to replace it with yellow mustard as it has little to no sugar added.
19.Test your sugar regularly, and track the results. Keeping a log book of your sugar levels will help you and your doctor decide if your medication and diet plan are working to control your sugar. You can save money by sharing a glucometer with a family member or friend, so long as you do not share lancets.
20.Unless you drive a car that lacks air conditioning in super hot summer temperatures, or are on a safari in Africa, you probably don't need ice packs for your insulin. If you're worried about leaving it in the car at the mall, take it with you! I doubt you'll have so much that it won't fit in your purse, pocket, or bag.
21.Buckwheat is an excellent choice to include in a Diabetic diet. It can lower your blood glucose levels after a meal, keeping you from having a spike. You can eat buckwheat instead of rice, or enjoy soba noodles with your dinner. It's available at almost any grocery store and is sometimes known as kasha.
22.A great breakfast food for a Diabetic is grapefruit! It's been known to assist people with weight loss even when they do nothing else. Be careful that you aren't on any pills, like atorvastatin for cholesterol, that have adverse reactions when you ingest grapefruit. It can actually increase their potency and potentially lead to an overdose.
23.To increase your sensitivity to insulin, maintain an active lifestyle. Studies have shown that insulin has a stronger effect on those who engage in plenty of physical activity. This will make sure your blood sugar levels stay in a healthy range, and will nbmake it easier for you to manage your diabetes.
24.To keep your blood sugar levels from spiking, research high glycemic index foods. If you're not knowledgeable about what ingredients you should avoid, you may consume something harmful without realizing it. If you need to eat something quickly and don't have time to look it up, stick to non-processed foods.
25.Many people think diabetics have to avoid all sweets, but this isn't necessarily true. When planning a sweet dessert or snack, just make sure it is included in a healthy meal or with exercise. Your doctor can guide you with pointers to help you include desserts and snacks in your diet.
26.Offer to help clean the gym or work on the grounds. That's great exercise for a diabetic, too.
27.There are ton of free ways to lose weight and battle diabetes, from jogging to doing work outs at a local park. Can goods can make inexpensive weights, as do bags filled with heavy items and chin-ups can be performed on your local park's jungle gym.
28. Eat a well-balanced diet. Since there is no official diabetes diet, it's important that you handle your condition by eating a healthy diet that is high in fruits, vegetables and lean meats and low in fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates. If you eat everything in moderation and are controlling your diabetes through medication, you should have fairly stable blood glucose levels.
29.Instead of depriving yourself of your favorite foods, look for ways to make them healthier. The difficult thing related to a diagnosis of diabetes is the way it restricts your diet. Many assume they have to stop eating these favorite foods entirely. For others, the temptations of their favorite dishes will overcome dietary restrictions. Look for alternatives to your favorite dishes if they are unhealthy. In a lot of cases, substituting healthy ingredients for diabetes-unfriendly ones can make a great dish healthier, without compromising its flavor.
30. Monitor your blood sugar at the same time every day. This helps you to know your body and to better anticipate any change of schedule or any problem. In addition, you can better control your intake of sugar, if you know what your blood level is. Monitoring times should be as regularly as you like.
How to control diabetes and improve your quality of life /Great Tips To Successfully Manage Your Diabetes |
31.Something every person dealing with diabetes should know is that they can use cinnamon as a natural sweetener. Everyone understands that sugar is terrible as it can significantly affect the blood sugar level of a diabetes patient, but cinnamon offers the same sweetening effects without any risk to the patient.
32.1f you are diabetic, eat high glycemic foods in moderation. This group of foods includes refined white bread, white pasta, and refined rice. These foods cause your blood sugar to raise very quickly, making it difficult to manage. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet to avoid filling up on these processed foods.
33. Lentils are an amazing food. They are full of quality protein and nutrients. They are ideal for people with diabetes (or indeed anyone) trying to lose weight. You can do a million things with them! You can cook them and then make them into patties and eat them as hamburgers! You can sprout them in a jar and then sprinkle them in a salad! They can be found in most stores and they're not expensive - so add them to your shopping list!
34. Diabetics can have problems in her eyes due to their condition, so make sure you go to the optometrist for testing at least once a year. Many optometrists have special
machines, which can look inside your eyeball to check for the typical damage of a diabetic, and can sometimes diagnose your disease before you even have symptoms!
35. Be VERY careful with any advice you receive online about diabetes treatment. It is fine to do your research online, and even to find out what other people are doing to take care of their disease, but you need to take any new information you want to act on to your doctor, to make sure that it's medically sound.
36.The best thing a person can do to avoid diabetes is to exercise. People who exercise 30 to 60 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week, can lower their risk of developing diabetes by almost 50 percent. Exercise improves the health of your heart and lungs, reduces stress, reduces fat, increases metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels.
37.If your doctor tells you that your Diabetes pills aren't doing enough to keep your blood glucose levels in check, don't panic. You won't necessarily have to use needles as insulin pens are now available that give you the dose you need without being painful. If you can't afford these pens, some pharmaceuticals have programs to assist you like Needy Meds.
38.If you suffer from diabetes and you are going to exercise, it is important that you check your blood glucose afterward. Strenuous activity can cause your body to burn off blood glucose and if your body does not have enough glucose, you can develop hypoglycemia. If your glucose levels are too low, try eating foods that have carbs to raise your glucose levels.
39.Make sure to go to your podiatrist often if you have Diabetes to get routine foot check-ups. Your feet are susceptible to peripheral neuropathy and infection, so having them looked over will ensure you don't end up with them being amputated. It only takes a small amount of time to ensure your feet are healthy, so do it!
40.If you have a family history of heart disease, strokes or hardened arteries, you should be especially vigilant in controlling your blood glucose levels. Well-maintained levels can delay the onset of these and other medical conditions, and can also decrease your odds of developing these diseases as you get older.
41. Here is a tip that benefits not only someone with diabetes, but anyone else. Regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy body weight, as exercise burns off excess body fat. Aerobic exercises such as jogging and cycling are good for increasing the heart rate to burn off fat.
How to control diabetes and improve your quality of life /Great Tips To Successfully Manage Your Diabetes |
42.Almost all insurance companies will now pay for blood glucose monitoring equipment for diabetics to have in their homes. It is important to keep machines in good working order and clean. This is vital to assure you obtain accurate results. Your manufacturer's directions have directions on how to clean and maintain your machine.
43. Be vigilant when monitoring your glucose levels. If your blood glucose levels are especially high before mealtime, this may be an indication that your liver is producing far too much glucose. Try taking your insulin 60 to 90 minutes before your meal, rather than 30 to 45 minutes beforehand. This will give your body's insulin a head start needed to more effectively manage blood glucose.
44.Although you may have little appetite and feel ill, as a diabetic you must continue to help your body by consuming healthy foods, and by tracking your blood glucose levels. If your level of glucose is low, make sure you drink plenty of water so that you do not get dehydrated.
45.To save you and your doctor time, write down all of your questions about your
diabetes. This way you will be prepared ahead of time and will not forget to ask anything that is important. You we dealing with your health, so don't be afraid to ask any question that you have.
46.If you're looking to help balance your blood sugar levels, eat more whole grain foods. While no one is completely certain why it works, research indicates that whole grains are good for maintaining healthy blood sugar and also for reducing a person's risk of developing diabetes. An easy way to include more whole grains in your diet is to switch at least half the grain products you eat -- like pasta and bread -- to whole grain versions.
47.Eat a healthy diet and control your weight in order to avoid developing Type II diabetes. People who are overweight are more likely to develop diabetes, so keep your weight at an optimal level. Eat healthy foods and limit your intake of sugar, as diabetes develops when the body is unable to process sugar properly.
48.If you're diagnosed with Diabetes or pm-Diabetes, why does the doctor prescribe exercise and lower sugar intake? It's because doing these things can often cure Diabetes! If you are exercising and eating a healthier diet, your body can process sugar better - thus lessening the ability of Diabetes to take over your life.
49.You can get a free blood glucose meter from your pharmacy just by asking. They usually have coupons or rebates so that you can get the latest model at no cost, the caveat is that you'll be buying their brand of blood test strips for the rest of your fife.
50. Keep track of your blood sugar levels in a log book, so you know where you've been and how you're doing currently. If you can't afford enough test strips to check multiple times a day, check at a variety of different times, so that you can get an idea of how your sugar is going throughout a typical day.
51. Learning to read the nutrition data on food labels is key to eating the right diet for your Diabetes. Keep track of how much carbohydrates, sodium, sugar, fat, protein, and fiber are in each food you eat and try to only choose those which will keep your weight in check.
52.When you're on a plane it can be hard for a Diabetic to keep their feet moving. Try to do little exercises while you sit, like moving your foot up and down or turning it in circles. Keep wiggling your toes to ensure your circulation gets blood right down to your tippy-toes.
53.A diet too high in protein can actually be harmful to diabetics. Some people think more protein is good, but studies have shown that too much animal protein can cause insulin-resistance, a factor in diabetes. Try to include proper amounts of protein, vegetables and carbohydrates to keep your diet healthy and well-balanced.
54.To allow yourself to still enjoy your favorite foods, make simple substitutions. Collard greens can be made with turkey broth instead of ham hock, and ground beef can easily be replaced by ground turkey. Try purchasing a diabetes cookbook. You may find that you can keep on eating many of your favorite meals.
How to control diabetes and improve your quality of life /Great Tips To Successfully Manage Your Diabetes |
55.Using a log book to record your daily glucose test results can be very helpful in controlling your diabetes. It is important to notice trends in your blood sugar readings, so having a written record can help you look back and see patterns. Taking a written record to your appointments can also help your doctor to make treatment adjustments.
56.1t is important that you know how to use your insulin pump. Many people do not get the proper amount of insulin because they are not using their pump correctly. If you do not know what you are doing, do not feel ashamed to ask your doctor or another health professional, for help.
57.If you are the primary caregiver of a person with diabetes, you may need support also. You carry a heavy load caring for and making decisions for your loved one as well as monitoring their diet and lifestyle to keep them healthy. If you feel overwhelmed, ask for help. Your doctor can recommend respite care to give you a break, or even a nurse to help with care. You don't have to do it alone.
58. If you're trying to keep your Diabetes under control, eating right is very important. Buying fruits and vegetables in season can help you eat healthy foods while not spending more than your budget allows. Root vegetables are best to eat in winter, while berries would be cheapest in the summer months.
59.You may want to consider homeopathic medicine if you have diabetes. Some of these other natural treatments can help control symptoms just as much as medications do. For instance, Uranium nitrate helps to reduce your blood sugar while also decreasing sugar in the urine. Bryonia helps get rid of weakness and dry mouth.
60.A tip to prevent or manage diabetes is to eat high-fiber foods such as whole grains as much as possible. Processed foods, including white bread, have a high glycemic count due to being full of refined carbohydrates and these can increase the diabetes risk. This is because they lead to spikes in the blood sugar levels whereas the more natural the food, the easier it is to be digested.
61.Women, especially when in their teens and early twenties, may experience significant fluctuations in their blood glucose levels in the week immediately leading up to their menstrual period. Monitor your levels frequently during this time, then make any necessary adjustments in your insulin dosages and urinary ketone measurements, as this can prevent further spikes.
62.You must consider fruit and high-glycemic index vegetables very carefully when planning a diet for Diabetes. Many fruits contain a LOT of sugar, which can affect your blood glucose adversely. Vegetables can cause the same problems, especially in juice form, including carrots, peas, and corn. Try to stick to low GI items like broccoli or apples which are rich in fiber.
63.Almost all insurance companies will now pay for blood glucose monitoring equipment for diabetics to have in their homes. It is important to keep machines in good working order and clean. This is vital to assure you obtain accurate results. Your manufacturer's directions have directions on how to clean and maintain your machine.
64.If you want to lower your risk for getting diabetes, you have to remain active. Try talking a fast paced walk for 60 minutes each day. When you are not focusing on working out, make sure you are still active. Try to walk instead of drive and take the stairs instead of the elevator.
65.Clean out your pantry and fridge of all processed foods as well as foods high in sugar and trans fats. Eating trans fats and any food that has partially hydrogenated oils will increase your belly fat and put you at a higher risk for getting diabetes. These foods are not good for anyone to be eating, so it is best to toss them.
66.The number one thing to keep in mind when you're diagnosed with Type II Diabetes is that it's not the end of the world! You will be able to live a long, healthy life with this condition as long as you take the steps necessary to keep it under control.
67.Vinegar helps to keep blood sugar spikes at bay for diabetics who eat it during a meal. Some people actually recommend drinking it straight before you eat! I like to sprinkle it on a salad, or douse my vegetables in it. It's also great for marinating meats! It's extremely versatile.
68. Fish is an excellent choice of protein for a Diabetic who is looking to lose weight. It's full of Omega fatty acids which are great for your body, and the calcium in the bones (if you include them) can meet the daily recommended doses.
69.Stress can wreak havoc on a Diabetic's mental health, but it will also cause problems physically as well. Try to do stress-relieving activities like exercise, yoga, or deep breathing exercises at the end of the day or during any situation that is particularly stressful to keep yourself calm, cool, and collected.
70.Going for a walk, jog, or run with your dog, is an excellent way to exercise and help keep your diabetes under control. It will also help your dog stay at a healthy weight, which can save you both heartache and money on vet bills. You'll motivate each other to keep going!
71.1f you have Diabetes, then your children are more susceptible to the disease themselves. Make sure that any diet changes you make are reflected by the eating habits of your children, and that you include them in the exercise you do. It's more fun to make the changes in your life if everyone has some input.
72. Many people have diabetes. Doing this allows ease in your life and also cuts down on the stress and embarrassment of having diabetes.
73.A Diabetic will need more than just a physician on his health care team. You should ask for a referral to an endocrinologist (they'll help you with your insulin), a registered dietitian or nutritionist, an optometrist or ophthalmologist, a dentist, and a podiatrist. Once you have them all on your team you'll be ready to fight Diabetes head on!
74.Make sure to take your diabetes medications exactly as directed. You are NOT a doctor, nor is anyone else giving you advice other than your physician. They tell you how often to take your prescriptions and how much you should take at a time because they know, so follow their directions.
75.1t is important that you eat a lot of fiber in order to prevent diabetes. Fiber helps to prevent diabetes by stabilizing your blood glucose levels. You can get fiber from certain foods such as whole grains, nuts, beans, seeds, fruits and vegetables. You can also take a fiber supplement.
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How to control diabetes and improve your quality of life /Great Tips To Successfully Manage Your Diabetes |
76. Get familiar with the glycemic index rating of foods to help gain better control of your diabetes. It is important to learn to recognize high glycemic foods like breads, fruit juices, cereals, pasta and rice. Eating more vegetables, lean proteins and other low glycemic index foods keeps your blood sugar from spiking after meals.
77.In addition to eating healthy foods, you should also remember to eat food regularly. Instead of eating huge meals two or three times a day like most people do, eat
smaller meals spaced out through the day. Doing so will keep your blood sugar at normal levels and regulate hunger.
78. You should watch what you are eating if you have diabetes. Your blood sugar will be effected differently by various foods, so keep track of what you eat and how it will impact your blood sugar. The amount of insulin that needs to be injected depends on the size of the meals eaten. Larger meals require more insulin. If you watch what you're eating, you can manage your blood glucose levels.
79. Diabetes can affect the eyes, so make sure you are seeing an eye doctor regularly to catch any complications before they become worse. Be aware of any changes in your vision; diabetes can damage the nerves in the eyes so stay vigilant about any changes you see.
80.1t is important for anyone with diabetes to check their blood sugar regularly. How often you check your blood sugar depends on your doctor's instructions, but it should
be done. Checking your blood sugar allows you to see what foods raise your levels. This makes it easier to catch level spikes.
How to control diabetes and improve your quality of life /Great Tips To Successfully Manage Your Diabetes |
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